Vidisha Road, Ashoknagar M.P

House System


One of the main objectives of the house system is to foster in the students a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity and at the same time enkindle and develop the social qualities latent in every child. Students are assigned to four houses in the school. Instead of the colour, the name of the 4 saints or National leaders can be taken.

We have taken four houses:

  1. Amazing Achievers (AA),
  2. Blooming Buds (BB),
  3. Charming Champions (CC),
  4. Dazzling Dews (DD).

NOTE: Students once assigned to a house shall not change the given house. Elections of Student Office Bearers Elections are held in the month of July to elect the office-bearers. Students of classes IX to XII are eligible to vote. Head Boy and Head Girl are chosen from Class XI or XII. The captains of the four houses are chosen from Class XI, while the vice captains are chosen from Class IX.


  1. For the post of the Head Boy/Head Girl, the candidate must be a Bonafide student for the last three years. For house captain, vice-captain and prefects, the student should be a Bonafide student for at least two years.
  2. The candidate must be honest, sincere and dutiful with loyalty and dedication. He/she should set examples of good behaviour and faithfully adhere to rules. Above all, he/she must have leadership qualities.


  1. Should be regular and punctual.
  2. Should be observant, alert and act promptly as per the needs of the school.
  3. Should ensure that the house captains, vice captains and school prefects carry out their duties and responsibilities well.
  4. Should command the whole school into discipline during the morning assembly and all functions and gatherings.
  5. Should show loyalty and exemplary behaviour both in the school and out of the school premises.
  6. Should lead and help the students without being dictatorial.


  1. To be regular and punctual.
  2. To work with members of their house.
  3. To encourage the students to participate in house competitions and house activities.
  4. To maintain their house spirit and motto.
  5. To evaluate the school discipline and activities periodically with the help of the house master/ mistress.
  6. To maintain healthy relationship among students.
  7. To give a report to the house master/mistress and the principal of all their undertaking and to seek guidance from them constantly.
  8. To do their duties in a responsible and impartial manner.

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